Aotearoa, 2016
singing in the setting sun

singing in the setting sun

the gorgeous black swans

the gorgeous black swans

two small ducks

two small ducks

Canada geese all over the world

Canada geese the world over

Birds 2

Some kinds of birds can be found all over the world, like the Canada goose that has invaded most places in recent years. Other species can only be found in very limited parts of the globe. New Zealand was specialised in some kinds of birds that 'forgot' how to fly. Why do all the effort when there is no-one to flee from? The Kiwi and some others like the Pukiko are now in danger of extinction, because we humans have imported dogs and cats and other dangers. Wouldn't it be sad if this beautiful country was represented by an extinct bird? Keep your dog on its leash!

a young gull

a young gull

'No, kiddos, now you have to fend for yourselves!'

'No, kiddos, now you have to fend for yourselves!'

a big gull

a big gull

another kind of gull

another kind of gull

maybe this is a Takahe

maybe this is a Takahe

and can you still fly?

and can you still fly?

Putangitangi or Paradise casarca

Pūtangitangi, Paradise casarca

and here is her lifelong lover

and here is her lifelong lover