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curriculum vitae
Born in Antwerp, Belgium, on December 18th, 1949.
His parents taught French, history and ethics at
secundary schools, his grandparents were primary
school teachers. His interest for literature can be
tracked back to 'bompa' Karel Van de Put, secretary
of the Frederik
van Eeden✶
As a teen, he was active, alongside his sister
Ellen, in an 'self governed youth league' for the
study and conservation of nature: Belgische
Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie (BJN, now fused into JNM✶).
After finishing the Latin-math section of the Antwerp
Royal Atheneum✶,
he went to Ghent
to study biology. His first exams coincided with the
May 1968 mouvement in France, and in the end
politics and night life got the better of his
pursuit of an academic career. His attempts at
biology, at agricultural science and forestry, and
finally at philosophy ("to see what was the
foundation of all that parrot's business") all came
to naught. In the end the only course he liked was phenomenology✶; by Rudolf
Boehm✶, who
talked about marxians when he meant marxists.
At the end of his student years, he fell in love
with a young single mother. Mieke was really too
kind and soft for this world, which made it very
hard for her psychologically. The first years they
tried to solve the unsoluble outside
the tracks of official psychiatry✶, but eventually,
she needed full time treatment... Her kid, Jo, grew
up without much authority to lead him, which wasn't
all that unusual in these hippy✶ years. Guy almost
got into psychic problems himself, so in the end
they decided to separate and he returned to his home
After an attempt at restaurant keeping, he started
working at the foyer of Raamtheater✶, a middle of the
road theatre company, in 1984. It wasn't exactly a
brave new world, but finally the start of his
working career. None too soon, some would say. But
then, hopes were high that the world was heading
towards new mornings... that didn't materialise all
that soon.
He became quite famous as the downbeat barman of the
theatre: a listening ear, no closing time, Tom Waits
and Charles Mingus on the sound system, great first
night parties, a good band of job students to serve
the drinks and snacks. After some years he got
'promoted' to office work, and finished his twenty
years at this theatre as a dramaturg.
His interest in foreign and exotic culture and
history brought him several times to the East. He
loved to dwell among Hindu, Buddhist, Khmer and Cham
temples and taste the spicy food. But just as
Colombus, he had been looking into the wrong
direction, and finally found his love & life
companion in Brazil. Or rather: Touché found him,
through a photo on an internet profile, where he was
sitting under a banyan tree... in Champasak, Laos.
They married in 2003 and continue living in Antwerp
and traveling to east and west. Touché is a poet,
chronicle writer and language teacher, born in Rio,
but passionate about Salvador
From January 2006 to May 2010, Guy worked as
co-ordinator at the social-artistic or community
theatre Sering✶. Since the 1st of
June of 2010, he wonders how he ever succeeded in
combining all his current activities with a
full-time job. These other interests include
literature and languages, travel, nature, computers
and the internet (an Apple fanatic), cooking, jazz
and world music, and he has a deep passion for