wait for background loading
to see text...
When I was 15 or so, I bought an Olympia typewriter
with a large carriage, so I could put stencils in
lengthwise... I was the 'editor in chief' of the
local section of an organisation of young
naturalists. Later on I learned the simple offset
printing: use an oily marker on the master paper,
water will not stay on these places, then ink will,
and this ink will get where you want it on the
paper. All this was in the 1960's and early 1970's,
before the computer revolution.
The first signs of this upheaval in the printing
world were the
IBM Selectric✶
typewriter with the golf ball, and after that the
electrical Brother with the daisywheel, that could
remember and correct one line of text.
Halfway hrough the 1980's, my first computer was an
XT✶, an IBM
PC Compatible: one floppy drive and no hard disk,
amber letters on a black screen, and a Seikosha SL
130 AI dot matrix printer with continuous paper.
Working with
WordPerfect 4.2✶
implied regularly changing those big 5¼" floppies,
one with the program, another with utilities and a
third to save your work. In those days I tried to
tinker a bit with the source code and used all kinds
of Norton Utilities. A few years later I started
using some of the first telephone
(14,4 kbit/s) to exchange documents with people far
away, experimenting with the protocols, getting
those typical noises when connecting... and lots of
broken connections. I became quite an expert in
using macros in WP 5 and 6. I worked out a whole set
of macros to do the lay-out of a newspaper (A2
format) in WP 5, and did accounting with macros in
WP 6. I just did about everything with WordPerfect!
The macro language developed for the versions 5 and
6 offered lots of opportunities of automating
tedious tasks, modifying the keyboard into a tool
that did all you want.
But then I got my first Apple computer, a 500 MHz
iMac✶, in
After the iMac came a
and this was succeeded by a
MacBook Pro✶
. I was always very fond of the Mac GUI, the typical
look and feel of this type of computer. But Apple
lacks a full fledged office suite. So for the last
few years I have been looking into Open Document and
Open Source solutions, OpenOffice.org✶; in the first
place. I try to help out fellow OOo users, and learn
from them, at the OpenOffice.org users' list. In
2009, we got a newer version (9.1) of the iMac*.
From 2000 onward I was linked to the internet. The
idea came to life to put some of all those travel
photos that I made together in a website. I started
composing webpages about my trips to Thailand,
Vietnam, Laos, Malta, but they were never published
on the web. But I gathered know-how about scanning
photos for use on the web, about scripting in html,
trying to stick to the rules established by the W3C group✶ .
The first photo pages that really made it to the web
were about the
Belgian Autumn✶
(November 2003) and the beach of
Jericoacoara in Ceará/Brasil (November 2004).
They were published on Yahoo's Geocities pages.
Later pages were located at our homepage at iDisk.
Still later (2012), Apple stopped the possibility to
post on iDisk, so we moved everything to another
server (webcreating.be) with our own domain:
toucheguy.dk. You can find all of them here:
The internet now has become an important means of
communication. Skype✶ ; is now the
channel we use more than any other to get in touch
with our family and friends all over the world. The
integrated webcam, speakers and microphone make our
Mac the ideal tool for this.