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As may be expected of a blog, it is an ongoing affair. For the moment, we publish here three types of texts that suit the definition of a blog.

  • in English: texts that Touché and Guy post with a certain regularity at LinkedIn.
  • in Portuguese: contributions of Touché to our company website on LinkedIn, and some of her older posts on Brasil com Z, a blog by expat Brazilians about the countries they emigrated to. The cooperation stopped some time ago, but Touché's texts are still interesting.
  • in Portuguese, Dutch, English and even French: whenever we travel, we send newsletters to friends in several countries. At first, these messages appeared only in Portuguese, later a Dutch version was added, and in 2016 we were crazy enough to add a French and an English newsletter during our stays in New Zealand/Australia and Costa Rica. We will progressively post some of these travelogues, going back in time.

Note: the latest post is at the top. Use the menu at left or scroll down for older messages.

Touché at LinkedIn in 2021-2

Not only in Laos...

You are curious and open-minded persons, you love to see new places, get to know new people, learn about new habits and cultures... in short: you always had this passion for traveling and even if you could not afford fancy trips this has never stopped you, on the contrary, backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, low cost flights, trains, buses, name it, as long as you could be ‘on the road’ attracted you and kept calling you to do it, so there you were, let’s go the world is such a fantastic place to be, you want to be in it as much as possible.

Some years ago it was so easy! Not much money needed, no matter how many kilometers you would travel, you were moved by your passion and passion knows no geographical limits.

So it happened that your wings and feet took you to Asia, far from your homeland in Europe. You always meant to see the real ways of living, you would not choose to visit big cities, sophisticated buildings... you went to small villages in countries where the so-called civilization had not yet contaminated the authenticity of human relationships. At that moment you and your love found yourselves in the middle of nowhere in Pakse – Bolaven Plateau, in Laos. You had arrived there after many hours in an incredible bus and were so glad it was possible to find a place to lodge: a small B&B where the smiling owner welcomed you.

Somewhere in the world

Somewhere in the world

The next morning you met a Spanish guy who knew some people from the village and these kind people told him to include you two in the invitation he had to go for dinner at their place that evening. Happily surprised you gratefully accepted and experienced one of the most beautiful moments ever: inside that simple and basic house food was shared generously and honestly: a circle of people sitting on the floor around a lovely low wickerwork table where delicious exotic dishes of diverse colors and tastes were served. Definitely unforgettable, you never found words to express your thankfulness. And you never saw them again...

Another day: that smiling owner of the B&B proposed you to join a group of tourists who were going to visit a ‘minority village’. Of course you wanted, meeting ‘real’ people was the reason for coming to Laos, right?

Small group inside a two-bencher, not a long ride, stop in front of an open gate, the guide informed you could go around that village as you please and you would be welcome to give the inhabitants soap and clothes. A parabolic antenna was to be seen and cigarettes were sold there, creating a sensation of live surrealism. You don’t feel comfortable. The place was composed of primitive houses where malnourished people acted as if you were just ghosts, perhaps among the many phantoms they usually have around their homes. At that time of the day you just saw women and children as men were working in the coffee plantations elsewhere. Anyway, no matter how ignored you had been you still felt embarrassed by the idea of walking around to see the ‘real life’ of those ‘real people’: this is invasion of privacy. You never treat people as animals in a zoo.

You told the guide you wanted to leave, no problem he said, the tourists who wanted to stay longer can return to the B&B later, the time for that visit was over anyway. Outside an old women offered pineapples and corn cobs to the visitors but to the men only... Well, you two jumped into the two-bencher, heavy hearted, saddened eyes. Silent ride back until you saw a poor-looking old woman walking along the road and you asked the guide to please stop and offer her to ride with us. More than surprised, you heard his refusal: I’m not allowed to do that. Why not? Orders from the boss.

Now you were not only sad, you are really ashamed. As tourists you were supposed to find it interesting seeing misery. Voyeurs who enjoy visiting poor tribe villages. Besides, if the guide had given the lady a ride and someone would come to know of it, he might lose his job. The owner of the B&B tried to convince you about the good reasons for such orders and conveyed his message: stay away, don’t try and get involved.

But please, DO get involved.

A new year comes, there is hope for change. .

Touché Guimarães, published on Linked In on December 30, 2021.
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This is a good moment for a symbolic expression of gratitude to those who have given all of us the opportunity to live through 2021, we who survived 2020 and sincerely hope 2022 will be a better year.

Nature is always generous

Nature is always generous

Here a well-deserved expression of admiration and special thankfulness to:

  • All people, professionals or those on the way to become so, who spent so many extra hours and days in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies to be there for people in great need of medical care,
  • Scientists, researchers, students, who have tried their utmost to find causes and solutions for the struggle against covid-19 and its emerging variants.
  • Those who engaged in the vaccination program in order to make this project available for communities everywhere.
  • Pharmaceutical industries that adjusted their production in order to provide medicines and masks needed all over the world.
  • Educators, teachers, experts of different kinds and levels of knowledge, who did their best to adjust and use new systems and technological resources to make it possible to provide the information needed for a good understanding of the covid situation and how to deal with it in the healthiest way possible.
  • IT experts who searched and developed the technology that has allowed people to work, study, converse, have leisure and stay professionally and emotionally active online.
  • Pilots, drivers and so many others who have been busy providing public transportation and home-delivery, which also meant an overcharge to post office services.
  • Shops selling online, specially those providing free-delivery.
  • Employees at state institutions and diplomatic representations which kept their doors open to citizens of all nationalities.
  • Journalists, writers, bloggers, vloggers, all those who carried on the mission of extending reliable information and a critical eye about facts.
  • Social media and companies aimed at supporting professionals in their search for jobs.
  • Leaders of various religions who guided their communities towards help and support to all people.
  • Volunteers all over the world who engaged in actions to offer support to those in deep need.

This list is not comprehensive, simply because it wouldn’t be possible to finish it. Without the perception about the gravity of the pandemic and the participation of each one, 2021 would end hopelessly and with no chance to think of a positive future. Notwithstanding the losses we have experienced since 2020, we finish this year with a broader understanding of the new reality and are in condition to use the acquired knowledge wisely.

Let’s try and act wisely..

Touché Guimarães, published on Linked In on December 10, 2021.
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Words, Words, Words vs COP26

William Shakespeare was no fortune-teller but someone deeply versed in human nature, his plays depict people as they are, creating an interesting paradox between actions performed for the audience and facts happening in the backstage. In ‘Hamlet’ the hypocrisy and lies are questioned and exposed by the genius writer through the (apparently) simple repetition of ‘words’, which undoubtedly have no meaning if not backed up by actions.

Nowadays we refer to this as ‘blah blah blah’ and so far there is no proof of the existence of another extraordinary man of letters who might have created a great play where actors express their mistrust of words in such a powerful way. In our modern times the streets have become stages, actors are real and roles are played by youngsters in desperate need to have actions taken by those who define the plot: the possibility for them to have a future on Earth.

Elsinore Castle, Hamlet's stage

Elsinore Castle, Hamlet's stage

History repeats itself and it may be that many of these youngsters have no idea that they are expressing the same questions asked by Shakespeare in the years 1600. Probably they do not know what the play named ‘The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’ is about. Here, the point is: they are victims of a tragedy and crimes against humanity not only in Denmark but all over the world.

COP26 was staged on a super modern venue to a diverse audience formed by illustrious representatives of governmental, environmental, financial, educational and many other instances, and followed by critics and experts in all matters concerning the environmental crisis we are living. Here a paradox: people protesting and demanding solutions – basically youngsters – were demonstrating outside and were not allowed in the conference room. They are the main victims of the tragedy we are experiencing and whose future is at stake. But those who were inside and effectively taking part in the event were... adults Some young adults, yes, but most of them were older people, older generations. Hm... it does not seem to be very democratic and above all not fair towards the ones whose present and future was being decided.

While these young demonstrators went around carrying signs with strong messages all they could hear from the ‘insiders’ were... words. Basically the same sentences coming from different voices. Blah blah blah, the same old warnings, plans and promises spoken during the Paris Summit, in 2016. Basta! Youngsters do not have the power to decide but they can perceive the lies and understand the emptiness of words repeated to exhaustion but not backed up by actions.

Instead of blaming the new generations for what they are not doing, what about giving them the best of lessons on how to build a life? Children learn from example. Unfortunately they lack guidance of leaders. So much is said about leadership, management, governance. The question is: who and where are those showing by example how youngsters can believe there will be a future for them? So far what they have watched is a bad play performed by good actors. Yes, good actors who have the expertise on how to keep on deceiving people.

The Earth has been crying for help now for a long time and the ones listening and caring are mostly unable to act to save life. At this moment there is not much more they can do than worry, suffer and protest. The decision makers must take serious decisions and be accounted responsible for whatever form of destruction that has been happening on our planet. Laws have to be reviewed and justice systems adjusted to reality. Private property must be grounded on the right every person has to stay alive. When million of tons of CO2 are thrown in (everybody’s) air because some people want to make their ‘dream’ of seeing our planet from outer space come true, the law protecting private property requires an urgent amend. No one should have the right to using everybody’s air as private property.

There is no point in gathering to save the planet if it is not possible to attribute credibility to the authors of the speeches.

The message is clear for all, words are meaningless if not based on actions. This is not a literary context. There will never be another Shakespeare.

Touché Guimarães, published on Linked In on November 17, 2021.
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Are banks money protectors?

In times when safety is one of the most valued products any company can offer it is more than evident that banking services should top this aspect of our economic system. Needless to say how important it is for just anyone to be sure their money is kept in good hands – expression that seems very appropriate considering that hands are essential to create and build whatever is needed for progress and development.

For most people all over the world money is the result of work. Employees and workers of any type of enterprises perform their duties at their best so that they will receive their salaries as the recognition of their efforts and achievements. Most people count on their salaries to be able to honor their financial responsibilities and being able to do so is also a matter of self-respect as no dignified person would be unwilling to pay their bills on the due date. Many parents depend on their salaries to grant their families the basics for their education and comfort. Millions of people live on their salaries. That means millions of people need to be able to rely on the institutions that will ensure that the result of their work is safe and available when needed.

Even banks started small

Even banks started small

Millionaires are no exception at this point. Even if the financially privileged elite does not have much in common with the way of living of a worker this is something just anyone can agree with: having money in safe and responsible hands is crucial for a good life.

Bearing all this in mind banks centralize the concern about safe money. No matter the amount in question the choice of a bank plays an important role in people’s lives. Anybody who comes to a moment of deciding where to open an account is faced with many questions and doubts that need to be answered by the banks and not all of these doubts are related to making profits – considering that salaries don’t usually mean a way to make profits – but mostly to the ethics and respect the institution will demonstrate in dealing with their clients' assets.

Safety then. Crucial. You need to be sure your money is safe and that you are protected against malware because you can trust your money is safe. Agree? Of course. We all agree.

Now a question: what about banks that refuse to take responsibility in case a bank card is cloned? Clients are more than glad to use ATMs specially for the practicality of not having to go to bank agencies in a world when time is... money. Thus owning a bank card is a way to save time and money? Yes... well, it should be but not always. Because there are cases when a client had money withdrawn from his/her account due to a fraudulent operation and not all banks take responsibility for the loss caused because the safety they granted in the contract with the client at the end was not so safe. Being robbed when someone is retrieving money from an ATM is another situation demanding a protective action from the banks. In both cases clients demonstrate their trust in the ethics of the institution which is supposed to keep their money safe. In a last instance this safety means the basics for people to live without the stress caused by fear. Responsible people fear the possibility of not paying their bills. Honest people honor their commitments. Reliable enterprises are fundamental for the good functioning of society and the maintenance of peace.

Banks have a great share of responsibility towards the communities. Nobody should be victim of having trusted a company. Having our money stolen in any sort of ATM operation is traumatic enough. We expect banks to keep up with their ethics and not raise more problems by refusing to cover the financial loss originated by crimes like card cloning.

Touché Guimarães, published on Linked In on October 9, 2021.
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Law for some use(r)s

The famous and extraordinary statue representing Justice as a blindfolded lady who holds a balance and a sword tends to loose its meaning – or at least have it much reduced – as laws seem to change from codes to protect the rights of everyone to ideas that can be bended according to the interests of some ones, powerful groups or enterprises. Protection of natural resources and habitats of different creatures are crucial to achieve good relations between people, nations and countries through respect for culture, traditions and nature and should prioritize actions just anywhere.

As the level of social awareness about ecological issues has become higher the concerns around environmental crimes demanded crucial actions to have them banished and punished and that led to the creation of local organizations and international bodies to identify and recognize such crimes. According to Wikipedia so far the following environmental crimes have been identified:

  • wild life crime (illegal wildlife trade in endangered species)
  • illegal mining
  • pollution crimes
  • illegal fishing
  • illegal logging

Wikipedia: "Environmental crime makes up almost a third of crimes committed by organizations such as; corporations, partnerships, unions, trusts, pension funds, and non-profits. It is the fourth largest criminal activity in the world and it is increasing by five to seven percent every year."

Law and Justice for all

Law and Justice for all

Environmental law is a modern collective term but legal enactments designed to preserve the environment are found throughout history. In the year 1858 the British Parliament had to take legal action against the bad smell caused by the dumping of sewerage in the River Thames and so the Act to build the London Sewerage system was passed establishing a new way to deal with such disrespectful attitudes that lead to destruction of life in society and natural resources.

Nowadays there are specific areas of control of pollution – air quality, water quality, waste management, contaminant cleanup and chemical safety – and the resource sustainability encompasses impact assessment, water resources, mineral resources, forest resources, wildlife and plants, fish and game. Without their preservation the possibilities of existence on Earth become progressively reduced and the disruption of the natural cycles of life leads to uncountable tragedies for all living creatures.

The idea of ‘civilization’ must comprise teaching children from an early age how important it is for their future to live in harmony with their environment and people no matter the circumstances. It is mandatory that adults act responsibly so that the younger generations can do what they need to keep the world running healthy and beautiful.

The international environmental law is progressively implicating global and regional environmental issues in diverse countries worldwide but independently of local particularities the respect to the principles stablished in this law framework is the core action for all the parts involved. No matter how old can that famous statue be it never ceased to be modern. Justice is for all, Life is for all living beings and crimes against the environment must be prevented and punished. That means: the law exists and must be respected by everyone, everywhere and at all times. Punt.

Touché Guimarães, published on Linked In on September 12, 2021.
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Summer of 21

Fire and Rain. Droughts and floods. Nature in distress, crying for help. A G A I N.

Multitudes loosing their homes, nowhere to go with their families, a non-desired new life. Starting over from fear, despair and the deep sense of abandon. A G A I N.

Corona-19 causing suffering and pain. Protests against measures that aim at minimizing the slaughter caused by this virus. New variants appearing and scientists struggling to find ways to prevent more disgrace.

Everywhere signs of dissatisfaction and in the absence of leaders the search for formulae and guides to find oneself. Harmony and peace are needs seldom transformed in reality and in very few places on Earth. Day-to-day reality is a continuous and strenuous effort to stay alive.

People didn't play football in the Colosseum

People didn't play football in the Colosseum

Rome’s panem et circenses has turned into neither-panem nor-circenses. As if all the sadness caused by Nature’s response to our destruction were not enough an evil mind found a way to sabotage the Euro Football Cup, one of great sportive moments in the world, inaugurating paranoia as pattern for those who get together to enjoy the spirit of fair competition. Pointing a laser light to the eyes of the Danish goalkeeper to impeach his defense was a disgusting demonstration of how intelligence is used at the service of dishonesty and changes the spirit of common pleasure into distrust and fear.

Social media replacing personal channels of human contact. Hidden emotions, exposed fake happiness. So many different planets in our small Earth! Too many politicians and lack of leaders who work for respect and dignity for all.

Ours is a historical moment of crisis and hope. Hope for no crisis. There are uncountable possibilities for invention and investment in business that provide life quality, preserve Nature and offer real chances to keep on living anywhere.

Please take your time to think about our future, take responsibility and use your intellectual and emotional resources to help avoid destruction, famine, diseases and death. You surely can do it. Please do it then. Do little. Do anonymous. Do simple. Do what you can. But do something! NOW.

Otherwise no future will be.

Touché Guimarães, published on Linked In on August 8, 2021.
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Where are the real people? This is, people who live in reality, feet on the ground, facing day-to-day difficulties and trying their best.

When you go around, can you identify such beings? Do you hear their low voices saying what you should not know? Do you see their eyes looking at the horizon in search for answers and possibilities? Do you touch them and feel the warmth?

Better no fakebooks

Better no fakebooks

Are you ok? Because if you are not, better hide yourself, make a private lockdown and above all don’t surf on the fantastic waves of social media, where there is no room for your authentic story. Let’s be honest: social media is for those who are in conditions to be ‘social’: smiling, communicative, open-minded and technologically cultivated persons who think their exciting experience led to the wisdom you need to acquire. If you don’t see such an image in the mirror, well babe, stay home, lock your door and do not post any news about your low spirits. It is not the moral code there and you may even be expelled from the site for your inadequate posts.

But then you want to be part of a community, right?... to experience the possibility of sharing ideas and pictures with others who are so friendly as to let anybody join them in their fantastic lives. Isn’t it great to see all these welcoming smiles and pretty faces? Maybe by some magic you will also become so beautiful? Clic clic, give as many likes you can, we know that you get what you give…

It might happen that at a certain moment you get just tired of so many happy people! You know the sites are caring for the quality of the posts and messages and you feel protected in case of any aggressive message from nasty members of the community (yes... unfortunately there are some). You focus on well-humored and kind companions and so far you have been glad to be there. But as time goes by the smiles and sweet messages don’t change and you wonder where are the real people.

Got there? Are you asking where the real people are?

They exist. This is your challenge: go out and... find them.

Good luck!

Touché Guimarães, published on Linked In on July 12, 2021.
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